
Born and raised in Istanbul to lovely parents. I went to English High School. As a young girl under a torch lit duvet I would be magically transported to a place that is miles away to an evergreen countryside of UK by Jane Austen and Emily Bronte. From my early age english literature captured my heart. Writing diaries, poems and reading was something I enjoyed and lost myself in. Later on to be forgotten in hectic life in business life and worries of daily life.

I did get to study my second passion which is psychology at Bogazici University

Next thing I know, I was working in HR. Starting in Yapı Kredi as a HR specialist, then Aviva Turkey as HR Director and Aon Turkey as HR Director and then Aon UK as HR Business Partner EMEA. An overall 25 years.

My life changed 180 degrees when I met my – now husband. Last 5 years has been a roller coaster, the peak was June 2017 where my son and I moved somewhere in Suffolk to create a new family home.

Now in my 40’s started to think what I would love to do more of.

And with that in mind I started my journey to do my doctorate in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health in King’s College.

And to complete the circle, wanted to start writing again.

And now that I am full of things to share, I feel I need to pour out all that I have accumulated over the years. I feel I have so much to say especially about human nature, stress and anxiety of it all and about how to move forward towards the light.

I will be talking about lot of different topics, but mainly how we become more resilient, how we can move forward to become the best version of ourselves. A topic I am exploring and this is the journey I want to take with you. By nature I am not orderly, so you can be sure you will get blogs that will be entirely on different subjects too, like my travels and gourmet stories.

Do abide by me and you won’t be disappointed.

Pınar Wright
