How to change your career during a lockdown?

COVID has created all sorts of crisis’s – health, marital, financial and career – for most of us. I have been speaking about unemployment and challenges of seeking jobs during the pandemic in the last few blogs. In this blog, I want to talk about people who have a job and are not happy. Are you one of them? If yes, read on, maybe this blog will light a path before you. 

The lockdown has forced upon most, more thinking and reflection time, some of us might start to think differently about their work as time goes on, for me, it led to doing my master`s in mental health that was something I wanted to do all along. Once I was on my master`s and then with COVID, the questions around what I should be doing to gain money kept shifting.

I started to believe HR and Wellbeing should be under the same umbrella rather than Wellbeing under the responsibilities of Diversity & Inclusion – which seems to be prevalent in some blue-chip organisations. We need to bring `the human back` into HR. I guess my aspirations for HR and how it needs change can be a topic for another blog.

COVID and lockdown have triggered the career-related questions for many, way before it would have if we had the status-quo.

For one thing, I know that for many of us, death is more on our minds than ever. Every day we hear how many people that have died that day, the grim reality is for January 32,000 deaths were recorded due to COVID 19 in the UK (Deaths | Coronavirus in the UK ( In one of the biggest cemeteries in Istanbul, there is a sign that says `One day everyone will taste death`. On the few occasions that I was there, I used to shudder when I saw this sign, now I feel I am seeing that sign every day. We are constantly reminded that our time on this planet is limited, for all we know it can be tomorrow that we might be gone. This is a huge pang on our psyche! Because our normal attitude is to live life as we have bags of time in this world, a false sense of security that we are here to stay at least till we are 90. 

This consideration brings us back to Stephan Covey again. I just love his work. The notion of `start with the end in mind`. Until now, maybe we did not think about the end, we thought we had time, first, let me get that promotion, let me get that bonus, let me buy that house…

But suddenly we started to think does this make me happy, what do we want to accomplish before we pass away from this life, what will be our legacy? Do we really live out our values? How do we make a difference for others? We all have signed cheques for 24 hours each day, we can’t bank it, we cant save it, it needs to be used up. The challenge to you is what are you doing with your cheque?

I hear that some people have already started to change tracks. When I started to think to write about this, I checked the google to see if there is any news on this. And here it is, BBC has an article on it with the exact heading I had thought, (Has the virus prompted an early mid-life crisis for some? – BBC News), back when we had the first lockdown in the UK. And it gives us examples of how some people already ditched their current job to explore something new.

Let`s do a reality check first and understand how blessed you are to have a job. Then understand, changing tracks, in the middle of pandemic and financial crisis is not at all easy, especially when so many people are unemployed. Just as I am writing this blog, I saw the BBC news that announces that the UK economy had the biggest slump last year in 100 years.

Thus, this decision is not to be taken lightly, there might be many obstacles to tackle before you can embark on something new. By the way, it does not need to be something completely new, maybe you just need to capsulate all the skill & knowledge you gathered throughout your career and deliver it in another format.

So, what can you do?

–      First, check ways you can be happier in your current company.

Before jumping on to a new venture, just think about your position & your company, what makes you happy and not happy. And explore ways your company, leader and HR might support you in terms of you being more fulfilled. Do not count out the blessing of working in an organisation that provides you in this difficult time.

What is preventing you from being happy in your workplace? Is it about your manager, the task, working environment, about external customers? What is within your ability to control and influence? This is important because you might find that changing jobs is not the solution for your unhappiness.

–      Do not quit your job until you have a definite plan. If possible, start on your new venture while you are still working. This means you need to work towards your new goals during weekends and weeknights, prepare to make sacrifice from your own time.

–      Creating options.

Run your imagination wild. List the things you would love to do.

Do not think of limitations to start with. Starting with negative things that might stop you, will kill imagination and bring anxiety & fear in your thinking.

–      List all your strengths, skills, and competencies.

And see how they enable the list of things that you would love to do.

–      By this time, several jobs/activities will be standing out from your list.

–      List the barriers.

The question is `what is preventing you from doing these things`

Ask your question to yourself and write down your list. Make a reality check of this list with a friend you trust, thus make sure the list is realistic as it can be.

–      Understand why there are barriers and how can they be overcome.

Again, consults friends on how to remove, avoid or minimize the barriers/ limitations. Maybe others can come up with different solutions that you have not thought about before.

–      Create a plan that enables you to reach your goal. Make sure to spare time from your day to do something related to your plan.

As you can see the list always have a component of consulting a friend, a coach, or a mentor. Why? Because most of the times it is us that stops ourselves. You might be blocking yourself. A trusted friend reminds you that alternative perspectives are always available. When you do not have a trusted friend, then the coaches are invaluable.

Clear the ice from your future pathway, give yourself a sure footing, let your dreams grow into plans, give them to take root within you.

I remember two stand out quotes from Dr Johnson`s book `Who moved my cheese? `;

`If you do not change you become extinct`

`what will you do if you were not afraid? `

Ask yourself as a friend do you want to be here where you are now in 2 years, your choices now will make a difference in your tomorrow`s.

Remember whenever there is a crisis, there is always an opportunity. You just have to know how to grasp it.

Good luck & Stay sane x

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