Being an Immigrant…delights… V.2

This is going to be all about gratefulness. It seems such a simple concept, being grateful. But it turns out it is not. Even this post came after my post that listed my misadventures in the UK, is a sign that being grateful is not that easy. Why did not I write my delights of moving to the UK as my first post? It seems I have still to work on my capacity to be grateful.

It’s a state of the mind that you must master diligently with discipline. Gratefulness is the cure to all depressive moods. There is a reason why all religions teach about being grateful. This has been scientifically proven too. Check out the article from Psychology Today (*) to see developments on this issue.

I am writing the delights of moving to UK for reminding myself and for all of you who are out there who has gone through similar process,

So, let`s start…

Here I am living in such a beautiful part of the UK countryside, Suffolk. I really advise everyone to come here, such a lovely place. To prove my point, here is a photo from Flatford Mill, which is just 30 minutes from my house. Again, with the festive season on, winter days and nights become more charming with lights everywhere and with every village having their own little Christmas market, and fairs, mulled wines to drink 😊

No sign of any apartments here, nope, just houses with big backyards to do your barbecue. It’s a stark contrast with my apartment flat in Istanbul, now when I go back, I can`t fathom how I used to live in those cubicle-like buildings overlooking another building.

Another thing I love is that you can afford to have multiple cars. Whereas you got to be pretty rich in my country to be able to do this, cars are hugely expensive due to taxes.

I can`t talk about London, but in Suffolk people are truly smiling and helpful, and they seem quite genuine as they say `Please`, `I am sorry`. Peaceful and such a safe area where children cycle and everyone watches out for each other. My son had a bicycle accident, the moms that were around holding his hand and cover him with a blanket till I arrived. It would have been the same in my country, but nowadays I am not so sure. It`s so heartbreaking to admit this, cultural disintegration that is happening in my country that saddens me the most.  It affects me most because it so hard to get back to where we were as a society… not long just 15 years ago.

The best part is my son can focus whatever he desires in school, he wanted to learn about how to create Films so he can have `Film Studies` as a lesson. He learns to reason rather than blindly memorising stuff. We had been paying loads of money for his schooling in our country in the hope that he can have a decent training, here in the UK he is going to public school with teachers who have graduated from Cambridge University. What a blessing.

We know that not every country on this planet is blessed with justice & law. Bad people need to be punished so that there is an order in society. If not, everyone starts to think they can get away with murder, and they do get away with murder! This is basically what we see in my home country and It is comforting to know that in the UK this is not the case. There are justice and law here. In fact, people are safe-keepers of the rules. If you don’t abide by the rules, first people on the street remind of you the rules. People truly believe it`s important to safeguard what is right. The perfect example is when unarmed men jumped on the guy who was stabbing innocent people on the London bridge. And the worst example is when a young woman in Istanbul is stabbed in front of everybody in a café by her ex-husband and people videotaped her while she bleeds to death beside her child. Just as I write this, I want to cry all over again. I hope one day I can give many good examples from my home country.`

The UK is quite a rich country, but its people believes in saving, nothing is wasted. Charity shops take on your second- hand stuff, they are recycling centres where you can dispose of anything you have and If they are still working, you might get some of your money back. Whereas in many countries, although these are quite poor countries, people are pumped to consume and throw away their stuff – as it is hard to find someone to take it off your hands – to get a newer one. And I love the fact that there are charity organisations like `Children in Need` where you know for sure what happens to the money you donate. And everyone unites to spends their night watching how this organisation has helped so many children.

It`s so good to see that my husband is so proud of his country, I think the majority of Brits are proud of their country. We won`t get into discussion If Britain has always done things to be proud of, but its good to see their citizens feel this way. It is important to feel proud of your country. I am sure everyone loves their home country but feeling proud of your country is another thing.

I am sure I can go on to write more…. I tell you; it did not come as easy as the one I wrote on my misadventures. This tells much about my psyche, and for so many of you too who dwell on the negative side of things…so being grateful is a conscious decision I must make every day, every morning, every night. So much so we started on an exercise with my son to write every night before bedtime what we are grateful about the day we had…Only then maybe someday it will become a habit, and I will just remember the positives, and easily let go of not so nice things that happened.

This brings me to the end of my last post of 2019. I believe it’s fitting to write on `gratefulness` as the last post of 2019, as this should be the spirit when we leave a year behind us. We must be grateful for what we have so that there is room for more positive things to come our way.

I am grateful for the life I have created for myself with my lovely husband, & my children 😊 here in the UK. For my ever-loving parents who have always supported me in my every decision, I have made. And my sister who has been holding my hand in my life journey as long as I can remember. My cousins and friends that bring so much joy to my life; thank you for being there for me.

Ohh and how can I forget…. our dog `Honey`…. who has come to our lives in Jan 2019, and has created a big place in our heart, full of beans, we cherish you as a family x.

I am grateful that we all are healthy and ready to take on life as we enter 2020.

Happy New Year,

And merry Christmas!


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